I've had some lovely comments about this recording. I don't think I'm generally one to 'blow my own trumpet', but I was delighted with the following review of the Beethoven Bagatelles at Sussex Musicians' Club from Dr. Simon Jenner, so thought I might share it. :) Belatedly, a big thank you to Yuri Paterson-Olenich for inspirational teaching, on these pieces and in general!
"Pianist Joe Ward’s rendering of Beethoven’s last set of Bagatelles Op 126 – more unpredictably jagged than even previous sets - was simply the finest Beethoven playing ever seen here. Ward’s hammering precision nailed the last, two prestos enclosing an andante cantabile, wayward, full of tigerish leaps to fracture the left hand. It’s no disrespect to Ward to say he’s upped his game in every performance, but nothing prepared us for this which would grace any concert hall."